About me
I am passionate about supporting others to manage, and better enjoy their lives – while navigating the obstacles that 21st Century living, ingrained behaviour patterns and emotional dysregulation throw in our way. Also to recognise our individuality and how valuable that is in a world of conformism – why we are who we are and how we are – and how precious that is.
I began my training in 2009 with the Guild of Analytical Psychology specialising in Jungian Analysis. In 2016 I switched to focus on the Transactional Analysis (TA) modality training for 3 years at The Link Centre and an additional year at Connexus Institute. I qualified as a Psychotherapeutic Counsellor in TA and later, working with a variety of person-centred modalities, an Integrative Psychotherapist - level 7 Advanced Diploma.
Alongside my therapy practice I have worked in commercial organisations for nearly 30 years. I understand the pressure experienced at all stages of a career and the challenges that day-to-day life can pose.
Challenges are painful and usually growthful - and anxiety is a natural response to any perceived threat. Without a healthy level of anxiety we really wouldn’t have got this far as a species. But when that anxiety tips into fear or exists at a debilitating level we know something is out of kilter.
Like many I have experienced bereavement, relationship turbulence and great love and happiness as well – which, together with my professional training, shapes my approach.
How to manage and bear through the difficult times, not least when experiencing depressive and / or anxiety illness, can be learned when effectively supported.
I specialise in working with addictive behaviours, eating disorders, grief and loss – including life stage change from leaving school to children leaving home. I work often with depression and depressive illness, and anxiety specific and generalised. Prior to private practice I worked at LifeWorks, The Priory and The Awareness Centre both in the low cost counselling and NHS services.
Clients come to me directly and / or are referred to me from private, commercial and clinical settings - GPs and therapists from a variety of modalities.
“Stress and anxiety are a natural response to any perceived threat but with effective support these responses can be overcome.”
Caroline Copland Dip Couns (TA), Dip Psych (Int) MBACP NCPS Acc.
As an member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) United Kingdom Association of Transactional Analysis (UKATA) and the National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society (NCPS) I subscribe to these organisation’s codes of ethics for professional practice.
“You will either step forward into growth or backwards into safety.”
Abraham Maslow